
The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and the Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) are 3rd Party Assessment Tools of Cardiff University and all intellectual property of the tools continues to vest in Cardiff University. Pfizer has only provided the tools as a matter of convenience and has no control over the outcomes of the assessment or the assessment and that the tools are not subject to Pfizer policies. Additional information on the tools can be accessed here.

Pfizer shall only be collecting data with regard to usage of the tools in aggregate (i.e. how many times the tool is used; the aggregate scores for such usage etc. Such data will be completely anonymised and will not be personally identifiable in any matter). Pfizer shall reserve the right to retain and use such data for any further analysis and/or any future publications and/or campaigns as may be deemed appropriate by Pfizer (in line with applicable laws and industry code/ guidelines).

How to answer?
The aim of this questionnaire is to measure how much your skin problem has affected your life over the last week. Please tick one box for each question. As the time frame of the questions is over the last week, there should be at least seven days between each use. Very frequent use is not recommended, because you may remember and be influenced by previous answers or become less careful answering.

Please select your child's/your age group to start the questionnaire.